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Irritable bowel syndrome causes, symptoms and treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome: causes and treatment of IBS, drugs, diet and prevention

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a special condition associated with recurrent pain, bloating and stool disorders. The disorder can occur with a certain frequency, spontaneously and always causes severe discomfort. Both adults and children suffer from it.

Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome

How to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome? What are its true causes, how is the treatment carried out? Let's look into these issues.

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome
Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

1. Psychosocial changes

Irritable bowel syndrome in women, men and children can be the result of depression, increased anxiety, insomnia and stress. IBS can also be caused by an unbalanced and unhealthy diet, lack of a normal rest and work regimen, lack of physical activity, overeating and chronic fatigue.

2. Physiological changes

They are divided into several groups:

Biological. The development of irritable bowel syndrome can lead to a violation of the intestinal microflora. The process is triggered by both acute infections and a lack of lactobacilli and an excess of putrefactive deposits.

Hormonal. In women, irritable bowel syndrome can be triggered by hormonal changes during menstruation, menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Hereditary. If IBS is diagnosed in parents, then with a high degree of probability it will develop in children

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome
Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

The main signs of a pathological condition include regularly appearing abdominal pain. The strength and frequency of such pain can vary. In some patients, they occur every day, in others - several times a week or even a month. Abdominal pain can occur after eating or regardless of the meal, only during stress or physical exertion. Moreover, at night, the discomfort of patients usually does not bother. As a rule, pain is localized in the left side of the abdomen. It is stable and rarely grows.

Pain may be accompanied by:

  • Flatulence and bloating
  • Feeling of an incompletely emptied bowel after going to the toilet
  • Too rare or frequent stools
  • The presence of mucus in the feces, etc.

Some patients also complain of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, which are in no way related to the work of the digestive organs. Among them: frequent headaches (including migraines), fatigue and weakness, discomfort in the chest and back, shortness of breath. Some patients additionally experience difficulty with urination.

Irritable bowel syndrome in adults: in women and men

Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome in adults: in women and men

The prevalence of IBS in the world varies from 1 to 28%. The place of residence affects the frequency of occurrence of pathology. Typically, violations are recorded in residents of large cities, and not in rural areas and small towns. This is associated with a greater prevalence of various psychological abnormalities and an increased frequency of emotional experiences there.

In women, the pathology is more common. According to statistics, the difference is about 50%. That is, women with such a problem go to doctors about 2 times more often.

Irritable bowel syndrome in children

Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome in children

In children, pathology usually develops at the age of 14-17 years. The prevalence of the disorder in them is not less than in adults. Functional disorders are more common in girls. At the same time, the pathological condition significantly worsens the quality of life of the child. In some cases, he loses the ability to concentrate, his memory decreases. The child may even refuse to attend school.

How to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome
How to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome

To identify a pathological condition, a gastroenterologist evaluates the clinical picture, studies the patient's
 medical history, and conducts an examination. Particular attention is paid to the influence of psychological factors. For this reason, psychologists and psychotherapists are often involved in the diagnosis and further treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

To clarify all the features of the pathology, they carry out:

  • Clinical blood test. It allows you to exclude infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as anemia.

  • Biochemical study of blood. It is carried out to control metabolic disorders. The fact is that frequent diarrhea in IBS can cause electrolyte imbalance.
  • Coprological research. Usually, the patient takes stool tests for occult blood, helminth eggs, etc. This allows you to identify all possible factors that provoke a pathological condition
  • Colonoscopy. The examination is carried out to assess the condition of the colon
  • Irrigoscopy. Radiography is performed with a contrast agent, which allows you to study the condition of the intestine and identify all possible neoplasms (polyps, etc.), as well as assess the structure of the organ, its lumen and elasticity of the walls
Additionally, the psychological status of the patient is assessed, the level of depression and anxiety is revealed. Other laboratory and instrumental examinations may also be carried out.

Treatment methods for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome
Treatment methods for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome treatment the basis of therapy is:

  • Power mode correction
  • Ensuring a normal mode of rest and work
  • Elimination of the main symptoms
  • Achieving psychological balance
  • Important! Medications are taken exclusively during the period of exacerbation.
  • In many ways, therapy depends on how irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself.
  • Important! Medications are taken exclusively during the period of exacerbation.
  • In many ways, therapy depends on how irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself.
  • IBS with diarrhea. In this case, the patient is prescribed special preparations with an astringent and enveloping effect. They allow you to normalize the chair. Also recommend drugs that reduce intestinal motility
  • IBS with constipation. In the treatment of such a pathology, mild laxatives are prescribed. In this case, the goal is to increase peristalsis and accelerate the movement of feces
  • Irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence. In this case, therapy is carried out with the use of antispasmodics and other means that normalize the stool. If there is an imbalance of microflora, antibacterial drugs may be recommended.

With neurasthenia, depression, increased anxiety and other psychological problems, the patient is referred to a psychologist and psychotherapist. These doctors can both conduct special therapy courses and prescribe sedatives and antidepressants.

Nutrition and diet for irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome
Nutrition and diet for irritable bowel syndrome

Establishing a proper diet helps to reduce the dosages of the drugs used and ensure the reduction of symptoms.

The patient must adhere to a number of recommendations.1. 
Include a sufficient amount of boiled or baked vegetables in the list of products.
2.  They will enrich the diet with the necessary dietary fiber. This diet is relevant for IBS with constipation
Exclude cereals and whole milk, use rice, oatmeal and other mucous porridges on the water with diarrhea
Exclude sugar, fresh vegetables, grapes, muffins and sweets, alcohol and carbonated drinks from the diet. 3. This will eliminate the problem of increased gas formation

Important! A detailed diet for irritable bowel syndrome and a nutrition plan are compiled by a doctor. They are prescribed by a nutritionist and a gastroenterologist.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevention

Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevention

To prevent the symptoms of pathology, one should not only follow a diet and adhere to a certain diet, but also establish a drinking regimen. If a patient with IBS complains of constipation, he needs to drink more pure non-carbonated water.

It is also important to take care of ensuring a stable emotional state, maintaining its balance. To do this, patients learn to control reactions, master methods of complete relaxation. To reduce the level of stress, it is important to observe the correct daily routine, monitor the sufficiency of rest, and avoid excessive physical exertion. Creative activities and other hobbies can help relieve emotional stress.

Regular moderate exercise also helps to overcome irritable bowel syndrome. Do not start serious training! They can make the condition worse. But do not interfere with regular walking and small jogging to maintain the optimal heart rate. Swimming and yoga are also helpful.

Regular physical activity will:

  • Relieve mental stress

  • Improve overall emotional state
  • Resist stress
  • Eliminate excess weight (if any)
  • Protect the body from colds
  • Improve overall well-being
In addition, classes help to form a muscular corset, which ensures the adjustment of intestinal motility.

Important! In order to select the optimal mode of physical activity, it is better to contact a rehabilitologist or exercise therapy specialist. The training plan is compiled taking into account the current state of health and the level of physical fitness of the patient. The diet for irritable bowel syndrome is also adjusted to physical activity. It is important to ensure that at least 1.5–2 hours pass between workouts and meals.
