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How to get rid of cold and flu quickly - m3lwmaat clinic

 How to get rid of a cold and a runny nose quickly

Getting rid of a cold and a runny nose Nasal congestion is one of the most annoying symptoms of a cold. At the same time, the head hurts, the general state of health worsens, weakness appears, it is difficult to focus on work, the taste of food is not felt, and it is very difficult to sleep. That, except for a pile of wet tissues, constant sneezing, red, swollen nose, and noisy nose.

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Cold symptoms

The first signs of the disease may appear a couple of hours after infection, and may not make themselves felt for up to two days. Symptoms usually appear in this order:

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Day 1. Sore throat caused by pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

Day 2-3. Runny nose, sneezing, stuffy feeling caused by rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Day 4-5. Cough that occurs under the action of a sore throat, which irritates the cough receptors. As the virus moves to the bronchi, cough becomes a reaction to increased secretion and is necessary to remove sputum.

Weakness and aches in the body can accompany the patient all the time, and can go away already on the third day. These are the usual manifestations of asthenic syndrome. It may also include photophobia, emotional depression, heightened sensitivity to sounds and smells. All this indicates an increased load to which the nervous system is exposed during illness.

What happens in the human body with a cold?

Runny nose or rhinitis is an acute inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. There are several successive stages in the development of changes in the nasal mucosa during its inflammation.

When the body is hypothermic, a narrowing occurs, and then a rapid expansion of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. In this case, there is difficulty in nasal breathing, sneezing, dryness and burning in the nasal cavity. This stage of the disease is very short - it lasts only a few hours. If a viral infection is attached, then the second stage of the disease develops, lasting 3-4 days. At the same time, there is difficulty in nasal breathing, abundant mucous discharge from the nose, a nasal voice appear, the sense of smell decreases, congestion in the ears and lacrimation may occur. In the future, the general condition improves, nasal breathing and smell are gradually restored, nasal discharge becomes yellow or green and thicker. This indicates the formation of the third stage of the disease associated with the addition of bacterial inflammation. The duration of the disease is usually 7-10 days. However, with untimely treatment, weakening of the body's immune defenses, the manifestations of rhinitis can last up to 3-4 weeks, become chronic or lead to the development of serious complications. Currently, several different types of rhinitis are distinguished: infectious, allergic, vasomotor, drug-induced, traumatic, hypertrophic, atrophic.

How to distinguish a cold from other diseases?

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

A cold is an unpleasant phenomenon, but relatively safe. However, other, more serious, diseases can manifest exactly the same symptoms. Therefore, you need to know the following:

Temperature with a cold is not always the case. It never exceeds 39 degrees and subsides after a maximum of two days. Otherwise, we are no longer talking about SARS, but about the flu.

A sore throat does not always indicate a cold. If it does not go away for a long time, it is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and the appearance of a purulent plaque on the tonsils, this indicates tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Antibacterial therapy is already required here.

Cough with acute respiratory infections lasts no longer than two weeks. If it continues, it is possible that pneumocystis, fungi or mycoplasmas have entered the body.

So you should not attribute any ailment to a cold. Otherwise, there is a great risk of not paying attention to the emerging dangerous disease. In the future, it will be more difficult to treat it.

How to cure a cold

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Cure cold and flu quickly At the first sign of a cold, it is very good to take a hot bath with mustard, drink hot tea with honey, lemon, ginger and rose hips and go to bed. You can also use inhalations with essential oils (mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, etc.) or use a special balm for the treatment of colds containing essential components. With an increase in body temperature above 38.0 ° C, chills, pain throughout the body, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. Of course, during the illness it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (warm), lie in bed and not go to work.

For the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis on the modern pharmaceutical market, there are many different drugs that are actively advertised in the media. However, among this diversity, there is no super medicine that will put you on your feet in a single day! And if you are still sick, it is better to consult a doctor and not try yourself.

Cold medicine

Among the drugs used to treat colds, several groups can be distinguished:
Vasoconstrictor drugs are used to relieve swelling and facilitate the discharge of mucous secretions by constricting the blood vessels of the nasal cavity, which leads to the expansion of the nasal passages and improved nasal breathing. These aerosol formulations are much easier to dose. You should know that their use for more than 5-7 days is highly undesirable!

Moisturizers are an auxiliary group of drugs for the treatment of various types of the common cold. The main direction of their action is to improve the properties of mucus and facilitate its discharge. Most often they are used in the complex therapy of rhinitis. The basis of these drugs are sea water or water from mineral springs.

Antiviral drugs are used in the earliest stages of the treatment of viral infections and act directly on the cause of the disease. For prophylactic purposes, they are used during a period of high probability of contracting a viral infection.

Antibacterial therapy is used mainly for prolonged runny nose or with the development of complications. To prescribe this group of drugs, you should always consult a doctor. At the moment, there are many forms of antibacterial drugs: tablets, capsules, sprays (for topical use).

Before taking them, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Colds are easily treated symptomatically. But if within a few days there were no positive changes (or even worse), it is probably not an acute respiratory disease. Influenza, sore throats and other diseases that start like a cold can have serious consequences. Therefore, if you feel unwell, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

General recommendations when exposed to cold and influenza

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Rarely, when the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. For the first two or three days you can lie down. But if after four days the state of health does not begin to improve or deteriorate, then medical help cannot be dispensed with.

If you are convinced that you have SARS, you can use the following methods to ease the course of the disease:

drink more water (especially if there is a fever);1. 
stop smoking2. 
rest (ideal sleep) as long as possible;3. 
wear comfortable clothes (you can wrap yourself in blankets only if you feel cold);4. 
room ventilation5. 
Air humidification.6. 
Vitamins will also help. In addition to citrus fruits, black currants, sea buckthorn and ginger provide vitamin C, which is necessary for a cold body. Honey helps strengthen the immune system.

Cure a cold in one day

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Medicines, which are freely sold in all pharmacies, will help us with this. Our task is to quickly eliminate the symptoms.

SymptomWhat you needExamples of active ingredientsGeneral weakness and feverAntipyretic, anti-inflammatory, painkillers


Sore throat Antiseptics Hexetidine.
AmbazonRhinitisAntiseptics, decongestants, vasoconstrictorsXylometazoline.
Sea water.
PhenylephrineCoughSecretolitics, mucolyticsAmbroxol.
Thermopsis grass.
Ginger root extract.
Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC, etc.).

Additional measures
Some categories of patients are particularly sensitive to certain drugs. For some, they are completely contraindicated. Additional measures need to be taken to treat such patients. So, in the first trimester of pregnancy, taking medication is generally undesirable. It is better to manage folk remedies. In the last three months, you should not drink a lot of liquid. Although this helps to cope with SARS, the consequences can be serious. Sodium leaching and kidney overload are very dangerous for a pregnant woman.

When treating children under three years of age, essential oils are contraindicated. If they help an adult to recover, in a baby, the course of the disease, on the contrary, can become more difficult. In addition, the risk of an allergic reaction from an incompletely formed immunity cannot be ruled out.

Complications from a cold

Sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.) often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other infectious diseases. At the same time, pain and a feeling of tension appear in the affected paranasal sinus, body temperature rises, discharge from the nose becomes purulent, a disorder of smell develops, photophobia, lacrimation, and headache.

Otitis media is an acute inflammation of the middle ear. The main symptoms: severe ear pain, noise and congestion in the ears, decreased hearing acuity, fever.

How to prevent cold and flu

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Colds are usually ill collectively - the whole family, class, workforce. A respiratory viral infection spreads in two ways - airborne and contact-household. It is not necessary to interact directly with the infected in order to catch a cold.

Preventing airborne infection

The virus is concentrated in the saliva and sputum of the patient. When he sneezes or coughs, particles of the discharge enter the air. It is worth inhaling it - and infection occurs by airborne droplets.

Outside the body, the virus can exist for several weeks. Therefore, even those who have been in the room where the carrier was previously can get sick.

Hence the conclusion: the masks around which the hype broke out during the coronavirus pandemic are needed only by the sick. They do not allow droplets of saliva to enter the air, thereby preventing the spread of the virus. They will not help a healthy person, because they do not interfere with inhaling air.

Active air exchange does not allow pathogens to linger in one place for a long time. Therefore, airing the room is the best prevention, and being in the fresh air does not pose a threat of infection.

Prevention of infection by contact-household way

The contact-household way, contrary to delusion, is not limited to touching the patient. Acute respiratory disease is not contact dermatitis. From getting the virus on the skin, a runny nose will not appear, and the throat will not hurt.

To be infected in this way, you need to:

the carrier of the virus sneezed on any surface;1. 
a healthy person came into contact with her;2. 
the one on whose hands the virus settled touched the mucous membrane (mouth, nose or eyes).3. 
Suppose a cold coughed, covering his mouth with his hand. Then with the same hand he took hold of the railing. They have become a source of infection. If one holds on to this railing with his bare hand, does not touch his face, and washes his hands, he will remain healthy. And the other will take the railing in gloves, but immediately scratch his nose - and now the virus is already in his body.

Hence the conclusion: gloves will not save if you have a habit of touching your face on the street. Hygiene is the main barrier to infection.

Myths about the common cold

How to get rid of cold and flu quickly

Although ARI has been known to medicine for a long time, myths still circulate about its treatment and precautions. We have collected the most popular of them:

Myth: If you have a cold, close all windows.

In fact, when you have a cold, you need to keep the windows closed and you can’t go outside. Fresh air is the enemy of the virus. Regular airing keeps the house free from infections.

Myth: The patient needs to be insulated.

Nobody canceled the body's need for normal thermoregulation. Overheating is no less dangerous than hypothermia.

Myth: A cold should not wash.

In cold water - really not worth it, because hypothermia weakens the immune system. In warm - it is possible and even necessary. The patient sweats, and then toxins come out. They need to be washed off.

Myth: Ice cream is a sure way to get a cold.

The cause of the disease is a virus, not a cold. Whether a person will eat so much ice cream to weaken the immune system is a big question. When the throat hurts, this dessert is completely useful. It relieves swelling, inhibits the inflammatory process and reduces discomfort.

https://www.imma /polezno/terapiya/kak-izbavitsya-ot-nasmorka
